Web Accessibility
Why does Providence College need a Web Accessibility policy?

The College’s websites are a major source of information for current, former and future members of the College community, and third parties. By adopting this Policy to establish minimum standards for web accessibility, the College is demonstrating its commitment to ensuring that its websites are accessible to students, prospective students, employees and/or the general public. This Policy provides information and guidelines regarding the College’s efforts to provide accessible websites; appoints a Website Accessibility Coordinator to oversee those efforts; and outlines the process by which individuals may seek assistance with or file complaints related to website accessibility issues.
What is Web Accessibility?
Web accessibility refers to the inclusive practice of removing barriers that prevent interaction with, or access to websites, by individuals with disabilities. When websites are properly designed, developed and edited, users have equal access to information and functionality. Learn more about how to make a website accessible in the Web Accessibility section of the Web Services Style Guide.
How will the College support this Policy?
The Website Accessibility Coordinator and/or his or her designee reports to the Director of Web Design, Architecture, and Services and will work with other College units as necessary to provide and publicize resources, including training, in support of web accessibility. The Website Accessibility Coordinator oversees mandatory, periodic training programs on website accessibility for all developers, content creators and approvers for the College’s website and related website services.